Updates Archive

1/72 scale WW2 models painted by Mark Tasaka 2020 1/72 scale WW2 models painted by Mark Tasaka 2020 1/72 scale WW2 models painted by Mark Tasaka 2020 1/72 scale WW2 models painted by Mark Tasaka 2020 1/72 scale WW2 models painted by Mark Tasaka 2020

February 16, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Priest Kangaroo APC has been added to the Canadian Armour I section.

February 13, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Jagpanzer IV Tank Destroyer has been added to the German Armour II section.

February 9, 2021:

The technical data profile for the STZ-5 Artillery Tractor has been added to the Russian Armour IV section.

February 6, 2021:

The technical data profiles for the Panzerjager Tiger (P) Elefant has been added to the German Armour II section and the ZSU-37 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun to the Russian Armour II section.

February 5, 2021:

The technical data profiles for the Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) Truck has been added to the Canadian Armour I section and the Sexton Mk II Self-Propelled Gun to the Canadian Guns section.

February 1, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Otter Light Reconnaissance Car has been added to the Canadian Armour II section.

January 29, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Sturmpanzer IV has been added to the German Armour II section.

January 29, 2021:

The technical data profile for the M7 Priest Self-Propelled Gun has been added to the Canadian Guns section.

January 25, 2021:

The technical data profiles for the White Scout Car (M3A1 Scout Car) and the Staghound Heavy Armoured Car have been added to the Canadian Armour II section.

January 22, 2021:

The technical data profiles the ZiS-30 Light Self-Propelled Gun has been added to the Russian Armour II section and the BA-10 Heavy Armoured Car to the Russian Armour III section.

January 18, 2021:

The technical data profile for the AEC Armoured Car has been added to the Canadian Armour II section.

January 17, 2021:

The technical data profile for the BA-64 Light Armoured Car has been added to the Russian Armour III section.

January 16, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer has been added to the German Armour II section.

January 14, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Daimler Armoured Car has been added to the Canadian Armour II section.

January 13, 2021:

The technical data profile for the Lynx Scout Car (Canadian version of the British Daimler Dingo) has been added to the Canadian Armour II section.

January 12, 2021:

The Technical Data Profile sections have undergone a re-orgranization: The Canadian Armour section has been expanded into two sections and some of the technical data profiles have been moved to other sections. As well, a new technical data profile for the Soviet Lend-Lease Valentine Infantry Tank has been added to the Russian Armour IV section.

January 8, 2021:

A new technical data profile for the Sd.Kfz. 222 Leichter Panzerspähwagen (2 cm) has been added to the German Armour III section.

January 2, 2021:

A new technical data profile for the Sturmgeschütz IV has been added to the German Armour II section.

January 1, 2021:

Two new SU-85 Tank Destroyers have been added to the Russain Armour II section.

December 26, 2020:

Two new Technical Data Profiles have been added: the Panzer 747(r) and the Krupp Protze Kfz. 70. The Technical Profile for the Panzer 747(r) is found in the German Armour I section and the Krupp Protze Kfz. 70 is found in the German Armour III section.

December 22, 2020:

New images have been added to the Ardennes Offensive and the Leningrad–Novgorod Strategic Offensive galleries.

December 21, 2020:

New images have been added to the Leningrad–Novgorod Strategic Offensive gallery.

December 19, 2020:

New images have been added to the Operation Totalize: Hill 195 gallery, The Eastern Front (Late War) gallery and the Ardennes Offensive gallery.

December 18, 2020:

Two new Technical Data Profiles have been added: the German Jagdpanther and the Russian SU-85 Tank Destroyer. The Technical Profile for the Jagdpanther is found in the German Armour II section and the SU-85 is found in the Russian Armour II section.

December 16, 2020:

The Technical Data Profile for the M5 Half-Track has been added to the Canadian Armour section.

December 14, 2020:

The profile photos for the Russian SU-122 Self-Propelled Gun have been replaced with a new set of profile photos. As well, new images have been added to the Leningrad–Novgorod Strategic Offensive gallery.

December 13, 2020:

New images have been added to the Leningrad–Novgorod Strategic Offensive gallery.

December 13, 2020:

A new Technical Data Profile for the SU-76 Self-Propelled Gun has been added to the Russian Armour II section.

December 12, 2020:

A new miniature/model gallery, the Leningrad–Novgorod Strategic Offensive, has been added. As well, two new Russian IS-2 heavy tanks, produced by Pegasus Hobbies, have been added to the IS-2 Technical Data Profile, found in the Russian Armour I: Medium & Heavy Tanks section.

December 9, 2020:

Two new Technical Data Profiles have been added: The Ordnance QF 6-Pounder Anti-Tank Gun and the Loyd Carrier. Both Technical Data Profiles are found in the Canadian Guns: Assault Guns, Field Guns & Anti-Tank Guns section.

December 7, 2020:

A new miniature/model gallery, Operation Totalize: Hill 195, has been added. As well, more images have been added to The Eastern Front (Late War) gallery.

December 6, 2020:

Two new technical data profiles have been created for the Russian KV-1 (Model 1942) Heavy Tank and the KV-1S Heavy Tank. These new technical profiles are located in the Russian Armour I: Medium & Heavy Tanks section. As well, new photos have been added to the Ardennes Counteroffensive gallery.

December 4, 2020:

Two new model galleries have been added: The Ardennes Counteroffensive and the Battle of Berlin.

December 3, 2020:

A new Technical Data Profile for the SU-152 Self-Propelled Heavy Howitizer has been added to the Russian Armour II section.

December 1, 2020:

A new Technical Data Profile for the Tiger II Heavy Tank has been created and has been added to the German Armour I: Tanks section.

November 30, 2020:

The Technical Data Profile for the Morris Commerical C8 Field Artillery Tractor has been added to the Canadian Guns: Assault Guns, Field Guns & Anti-Tank Guns section. As well a model of a second T-26 Light Tank has been added to the Russian Armour III: Light Tanks, Fast Tanks & Armoured Cars section.

November 29, 2020:

A new section, Canadian Guns: Assault Guns, Field Guns & Anti-Tank Guns, has been added. This section features the technical profiles for the 25-Pounder Field Gun and the 17/25-Pounder 'Pheasant' Anti-Tank Gun. As well, the technical profile for the BT-7 Fast Tank has been added to the Russian Armour III: Light Tanks, Fast Tanks & Armoured Cars section.

November 27, 2020:

A new section, Russian Armour III: Light Tanks, Fast Tanks & Armoured Cars, has been created. This section features the technical profiles for the Soviet T-26 Light Infantry Tank and the BA-6 Heavy Armoured Car. As well, new photos have been added to the American Sherman M4A3 Gallery.

November 24, 2020:

A new set of Profile Photos have been added to the German Panther Technical Profile section.

November 23, 2020:

Three new Sherman M4A3(76)W models have been added to the Sherman M4A3 Technical Profile and a new Tiger I model has been added to the Tiger I Technical Profile. As well, more images have been added to The Eastern Front (Late War) Miniature Gallery.

November 22, 2020:

The first Model/Miniature Gallery, The Eastern Front (Late War), has been added to the site. As well, a technical data card for the Sherman M4A3(76)W has been added to the American Sherman M4A3 Technical Profile.

November 21, 2020:

The technical data profiles for the German Sd.Kfz. 231 8-Rad, the U.S. Sherman M4A3 and the U.S. Sherman M4(105) have been added.

November 20, 2020:

The technical data profile for the Russian Lend-Lease Sherman M4A2 has been added.

November 19, 2020:

The technical data profile for the Russian IS-2 Heavy Tank has been added. As well, a new Sherman III model have been added to the Sherman III technical profile and more images have been added to the Sherman III Gallery.

November 18, 2020:

A new section, Russian Armour I: Medium & Heavy Tanks, has been created. This section features technical profiles for the T-34/85 Medium Tank and T-34/85 Variants.

November 17, 2020:

The German Armour I: Tanks section has been updated. A technical profile for the Tiger I Heavy Tank has been created. As well, two new Panther tank models have been added to the Panther technical profile and more images have been added to the Panther Gallery.

November 16, 2020:

A new section, Russian Armour IV: Lend-Lease Tanks, Captured Tanks & Field Guns, has been added. This section features profiles for the Captured Panzer IV and the ZiS-3 Divisional Field Gun.

November 14, 2020:

The German Armour I: Tanks section has been updated with the addition of the Panzer IV Ausf. F2 technical profile.

November 13, 2020:

A new section, American Armour, has been added to the site.

November 10, 2020:

The technical profile for the Sherman VC Firefly has been added to the Canadian Armour section. As well, new photos have been added to the Sherman III and SU-122 Galleries.

November 10, 2020:

A new section, Russian Armour II: Assault Guns and Tank Destroyers, has been added.

November 8, 2020:

Welcome to the launch of Citizen Soldiers: A 1/72 Scale World War 2 Model Site. Citizen Soldiers will be a continual work-in-progress, whereby I will be adding new materials to site on a regularly basis. This is the first of many updates to come.