Updates Archive

Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017 Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017 Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017 Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017 Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017 Reaper Miniatures, painted by Mark Tasaka 2017

September 16, 2021:

I have added the option, in the form of a checkbox, for selecting either a character sheet with or without ‘character sheet dividers’ for the Zero-Level Character Generator (Version 4).

September 1, 2021:

Links to Greenleaf Adventures, a Dungeon Crawl Classics third-party compatible adventure series, has been added to the site.

August 4, 2021:

A new section, Random Name Generator, has been added to the site. The Random Name Generator is a tool designed to generate lists of randomly generated names, providing Judges with the means of producing lists of names for random NPCs, townsfolk, villagers, rank-and-file foot soldiers, etc., their Players may encounter during their game sessions.

June 30, 2021:

The Gibberish Text Generator, a random text generator, has been added. The Gibberish Text Generator is a Dungeon Crawl Classics themed random text generator designed to provide game/adventure writers with blocks of ‘filler text’.

May 28, 2021:

Links for the newly created Dungeon Crawl Classics fan site,The Empire and the Elephant, have been added to the site. The Empire and the Elephant has been created for Goodman Games' DCC Empire of the East gaming supplement.

March 1, 2021:

The Shaman Character Generator (version 3) has been updated to include options for the Wetware programs found in James A. Pozenel Jr's Enchiridion of the Computarchs, a MCC supplement available on DriveThruRPG.

January 30, 2021:

PDF versions of the new MCC Character Sheets (Version 3) has been added to the Character Sheets section. As well, the GitHub Links section has been updated to includes links to new MCC Character Generators.

January 29, 2021:

The last of the new iterations (version 3) of the Mutant Crawl Classics Character Generators, the Plantient Character Generator, has been added to the Plantient Character Generator page.

January 28, 2021:

A new iteration (version 3) of the Manimal Character Generator has been added to the Manimal Character Generator page.

January 28, 2021:

An updated version (version 3) of the Mutant Character Generator has been added to the Mutant Character Generator page.

January 9, 2021:

An updated version (version 3) of the Shaman Character Generator has been added to the Shaman Character Generator page.

January 7, 2021:

A new iteration (version 3) of the Rover Character Generator has been added to the Rover Character Generator page.

January 6, 2021:

A new version of the MCC Healer Character Generator, the Healer Character Generator Version 3, has been added to the Healer Character Generator page.

January 4, 2021:

A new iteration (version 3) of the Mutant Crawl Classics Sentinel Character Generator has been added to the Sentinel Character Generator page.

November 10, 2020:

Links to Citizen Soldier: A 1/72 Scale World War 2 Site have been added. Citizen Soldiers is a World War 2 1/72 scale (20mm) model/miniature hobby website.

August 1, 2020:

Links to a newly created OSR fan site, Humble Beginnings & Bold Adventures, have been added. Humble Beginnings & Bold Adventures is dedicated James M. Spahn's The Hero's Journey Fantasy Roleplaying (second edition).

July 27, 2020:

A new header graphic has been added, featuring a custom 'radioactive maple leaf' logo. As well, the GitHub Links section has been updates with a link to the GitHub repository for the new zero-level character generator.

July 27, 2020:

The latest iteration (version 4) of the Mutant Crawl Classics Zero-Level Character Generator has been added to the site.

July 18, 2020:

The newest iteration (version 4) of the Mutant Crawl Classics Zero-Level Character Sheet has been added to the Character Sheets section.

June 22, 2020:

Links to a newly created RPG fan site, Sorcery and Mighty Deeds, have been added. Sorcery and Mighty Deeds is dedicated to Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar game.

December 3, 2019:

Links to the Red Box: Eastern Adventures companion website have been added (the system itself should be released in mid 2020). Red Box: Eastern Adventures is a rules light OSR system I am working on that builds on the simple gameplay mechanics of White Box: Eastern Adventures, by added a few more mechanics (‘crunch’) to the game. My hope in creating Red Box: Eastern Adventures is to capture the Old School feel of the early iterations of the ‘Worlds Most Famous Role-Playing System’; my source of inspiration for this game.

October 27, 2019:

New fillable form MCC Character Sheets for each of the 7 MCC Classes have been added to the Character Sheets page. The fillable character sheets were created by Rob Standen. Thank you, Rob, for your hard work adding this excellent feature to the character sheets.

August 6, 2019:

Links have been added for a new website I created, titled Old Guard: An Astra Militrum/Imperial Guard Fan Site. The ‘Old Guard’ is a fan site dedicated to Games Workshop’s range of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, with a particular focus on the ‘Old School’ Imperial Guard (Astra Militrum) miniatures range of the 1990s.

April 24, 2019:

I recently published a third party Dungeon Crawl Classics compatible module, titled Fantastic Adventures and the Disgruntled Gong Farmer, which is available on DriveThru RPG. I created this adventure module for the community, and as such, the module is available as a free PDF (the print-on-demand version will be available for $6 USD). As well, the Fantastic Adventures and the Disgruntled Gong Farmer companion website has been created and provides materials and resources for DCC players and judges.

April 1, 2019:

I recently published an OSR role-playing game, titled White Box: Eastern Adventures, which is available on DriveThru RPG a as a free pdf (a print-on-demand version of the book is also available). Two new links have been added to this site: the first link is to the official White Box: Eastern Adventures site, and the second link is to Tasaka Games; my newly created tabletop RPG company.

December 13, 2018:

An new zero-level character generator, featured an 'old school hand drawn' character sheets, has been added. As well, PDF versions of this character sheet are available in the Character Sheets section. The creation of the character sheet are described in my My Blog.

October 25, 2018:

Links to a new Old School Revival/Renaissance fan site, Fantastic Medieval Adventures, have been added. Fantastic Medieval Adventures focuses on the White Box role-playing game; an OSR game created by Charlie Mason, based on the 1974 edition of the ‘World Most Famous Role-Playing Game’. As with my other OSR sites, Fantastic Medieval Adventures will be a continual work in progress, whereby I will be adding new materials and gaming resources on an on-going basis.

September 19, 2018:

A beautifully scuplted range of pewter miniatures specifically for the Mutant Crawl Classics has launched on Kickstarter. The Kickstarter campaign is the Mutant Mayhem Minis - RPG Post-Apocalyptic Figures for MCC. The miniatures are produced by Dark Platypus Studio and the kickstarter is going to October 15 (10:30 am PST). Please check this kickstarter out if you are interested in adding authentic Mutant Crawl Classics miniatures to your gaming table!

August 11, 2018:

PDF versions of the character sheets for Moonbaka (shaman), Shikara (healer), Algonkwin (sentinel), Artose (mutant) and Fenwynn (plantient) have been added to the Character Sheets section. As well, the GitHub Links page has been updated to include links to the GitHub repositories for the five new Iconic NPC generators.

August 5, 2018:

A new section, the Iconic NPC V, has been added. This section contains five new iconic NPC generators: Moonbaka (shaman), Shikara (healer), Algonkwin (sentinel), Artose (mutant) and Fenwynn (plantient).

July 9, 2018:

Iconic NPC backstories/bios have been added for Lena (sentinel), Rolf (manimal) and Alphonso (mutant). As well, five new character sheets (Iconic NPCs IV) have been added to the Character Sheets section and the MCC GitHub Links Page has been updated to include the generators found in Iconic NPC Generators IV.

July 6, 2018:

A new section, Iconic NPC Generators IV, has been created. This section includes the Iconic NPC Generators for: Barkley (plantient), Fernie (plantient), Tabby Kat (manimal), Kassey (manimal) and Edgar (manimal).

July 2, 2018:

Two new Iconic NPC Generators have been added: Alphonso (mutant) and Sparky (mutant). The NPC generators are found in the Iconic NPC Generators III section. As well, the MCC GitHub Links Page has been updated to include the Iconic NPC generators found in Iconic NPC Generators III.

July 1, 2018:

Happy Canada Day! Five new Iconic NPC generators have been added. The NPC generators for Dungho Dog (manimal) and Wooffin (manimal) have been added to Iconic NPC Generators II. While the NPC generators for Kit Cat (manimal), Kayla (manimal) and Rolf (manimal) have been added to Iconic NPC Generators III. As well, the MCC GitHub Links Page has been updated to include the Iconic NPC generators found in Iconic NPC Generators II.

June 28, 2018:

Five new Iconic NPC character sheets have been added to the Character Sheets section. The characters sheets are for Kit Cat (manimal), Kayla (manimal), Rolf (manimal), Alphonso (mutant) and Sparky (mutant).

June 27, 2018:

Two new iconic non-player character generators have been added: Ravensong (shaman) and Lena (sentinel). The iconic npc generators are found in the Iconic NPC Generators II section.

June 24, 2018:

A new section, the Iconic NPC Generators II, has been created. This section includes a NPC generator for Shaquan (shaman). As well, five new character sheets have been added to the Character Sheets section. The characters sheets are for Shaquan (shaman), Ravensong (shaman), Lena (sentinel), Dungho (manimal) and Wooffin (manimal).

June 20, 2018:

The MCC GitHub Page has been updated to include links to the GitHub Repositories for the 5 new Iconic NPC generators.

June 17, 2018:

Three new iconic NPC generators have been added to the Iconic NPC Generators 1 page. The new generators are for the following iconic NPCs: Junkyard (rover), Scrapyard (rover) and Zenobia (healer).

June 13, 2018:

A new iconic NPC generator for Kaneenawup (sentinel) has been added to the Iconic NPC Generators 1 section.

June 12, 2018:

A new section, the Iconic NPC Generators 1, has been created. This section includes a random non-player character generator for Zahra Imari, one of the Healers featured on this site. In the next couple of days I will be adding more random npc character generators to this section.

June 6, 2018:

Five new character sheets have been added to the Character Sheets section. The character sheets are for a new section that I am working on, titled Iconic NPC Generators 1, which will feature random NPC character generators for the miniatures featured on this site. The character sheets are for the following iconic NPCs: Zahra (Healer), Kaneenawup (Sentinel), Junkyard (Rover), Scrapyard (Rover) and Zenobia (Healer).

May 26, 2018:

The MCC GitHub Page has been update include links to the GitHub Repositories for the 7 new Character Generator (Generation 2) iterations.

May 20, 2018:

The last of the new character generators (Generation 2), the Plantient Character Generator, has been added to the site.

May 16, 2018:

A new iteration (Generation 2) of the Manimal random character generator has been added to the site.

May 14, 2018:

A new iteration (Generation 2) Random Character Generators for the Mutant character class has been added.

May 13, 2018:

New iterations (Generation 2) of the Random Character Generators for the Rover and Shaman character classes have been added. Like the new iterations of the Sentiel and Healer character generators, the Rover and Shaman character generators features several new features, including the ability to select Archaic Alignments and options for adding artifacts, weapons and armour to the character sheets.

May 5, 2018:

Generation 2 Character Generators have been created for the Sentinel and Healer character classes. The new iterations of the character generators features several new features, including the ability to select Archaic Alignments and options for adding artifacts, weapons and armour to the character sheets.

April 17, 2018:

New PDF character sheets for the Mutant, Manimal and Plantient Character Classes have been added, and are available in the Character Sheets section. These character sheets are for a new iteration of the MCC character generators that I am working on.

April 14, 2018:

PDFs of four new, revamped, pure strain human character sheets have been added. Please visit the Character Sheets section to find these new additions. I am hoping to have new versions of the Manimal, Mutant and Plantient added in the next couple of days. These new character sheets are for a new iteration (generation 2) of the random character generators that I will be working on that will feature options for selecting Archanic Alignments, artifacts, weapons, equipment, names, etc.

April 9, 2018:

A link to my recently created miniatures and gaming Blog has been added to the website.

February 10, 2018:

Dark Dungeons and Endless Adventures, a new OSR Fan Site has been added. Dark Dungeons and Endless Adventures has been created for Chris Gonnerman's Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and is dedicated to Mr. Gonnerman and the OSR Gaming Community.

January 7, 2018:

A new OSR Fan Site, Adventurer's Portal: A Labyrinth Lord Fan Site, has launched. Adventurer's Portal has been created for Goblinoid Games' Labyrinth Lord role-playing system.

January 4, 2018:

A new Mutant Crawl Classics Level Zero Character generator has been added. The most noticeable change is that the new generator creates 4 zero-level characters per page. Another feature of the new generator is that it allows for the option of randomly generating names for the zero-level characters.

December 31, 2017:

The Radioactive Mutant Zombies page and the Radioactive Mutant Zombie generator have been added to the site. The Zombie Generator allows for increasing the HD and the 'meanness' of the zombies, making the zombies a challenge for a range of character levels.

December 24, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, titled Ruins of the Ancient World, has been added to the site.

December 10, 2017:

My most recent Dungeon Crawl Classics Fan Site, DCC Eastern Adventures, has launched. DCC Eastern Adventures contains homebrew resources and materials for running Eastern themed DCC campaigns. Like this site, DCC Eastern Adventures is an on-going work in progress, whereby I will be adding new materials to the site on a continual basis.

October 23, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, Monuments of the Ancient Ones, has been added. As well, new images have been added to the Shattered Lands gallery.

October 19, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, titled Ancient Roads, has been added. As well, several new repository links have been added to the Github section.

October 3, 2017:

A Contact Me section has been added to the website. Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or comments, or would simply like to say 'hi'. As well, a new miniatures gallery, the Shattered Lands, has been added.

September 29, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, titled The Old World, has been added to this site. As well, the Glowburn Podcast, a Mutant Crawl Classics podcast, has been added to the Links Section.

September 24, 2017:

The Plantient Character Generator, the last of core character classes, has been added. As well, the MCC Github Generator Links have been updated to reflect the additions of the new character generators.

September 18, 2017:

Two new character class generators have been added: the Mutant Character Generator and the Manimal Character Generator. A new miniatures gallery, The Forest's End has been added, and more photos have been added to the Caverns of the Frogs and the Forbidden Temple Miniatures Gallery. As well, a pdf character sheet for the Plantient class has been added to the Character Sheets section.

September 5, 2017:

The Crows' Haven Miniatures Gallery has been added to this site. As well, a series of new images have been added to the The Lost City, the Fabled Realms and the Strange New World Miniatures Galleries.

August 29, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, titled Strange New World has been added. As well, more images have been added to the Fabled Realms and The Forbidden Temple miniatures galleries.

August 23, 2017:

Two new miniatures galleries, Fabled Realms and The Forbidden Temple, were added to the site. As well, the Rover Character Generate page has been updated with a new gallery of images showcasing recently painted rover themed miniatures.

August 15, 2017:

A new miniatures gallery, titled The Lost City, has been created, and more photos have been added to the Caverns of the Frogs Miniatures Gallery. As well, pdfs of the Mutant and Manimal Character Sheets have been added to the Character Sheets section.

August 6, 2017:

Some new additions to site: character class generators for the Sentinel, Shaman, Healer and Rover character classes have been added. A new section containing my Github links to the Mutant Crawl Classics generators found on this site and a miniature gallery, titled Caverns of the Frogs, were added as well.

July 24, 2017:

The Character Sheets page has been added. This page contains pdf versions of the Zero-Level Character Sheets used in the random zero-level character generator, as well as the character sheets for the Sentinel, Shaman, Healer and Rover character classes.

July 18, 2017:

Welcome to the launch of Artifacts of the Ancient Ones: A Mutant Crawl Classics Fan Site. The creation of this website is inspired by the gaming community and to the legendary Jim Wampler, the creator of Mutant Crawl Classics. Artifacts of the Ancient Ones will be an on-going work in progress whereby I will be continually adding new materials to this site.