The fierce battles against the Sons of Sek on the Forge World of Urdesh have resulted in several Urdeshi regiments being reduced below combat effectiveness. To bring these regimental up to strength, decimated regiments are combined and often local civilian fighters, caught in the firefights, are used to bolster the regiment’s strength.
The 23rd Urdeshi Combined Regiment is one such fighting force. The 23rd Urdeshi Combined is an amalgamated regiment made up of the decimated elements of the 382nd Urdeshi Light Foot, the 633rd Urdeshi Interior Guard and local gangers, pressed into military service.
*Please note, the Urdeshi Combined Regiments and the Urdeshi units mentioned here are not from the Gaunt Ghost series; rather, they are products of my imagination, used to represent the mix-matched group of miniatures I used here and my humble way of paying tribute to Mr. Dan Abnett’s incredible series.