
Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021 Squats, painted by Mark Tasaka 2021

Squats, classified as Homo Sapiens Rotundus, are the descendants of early human settlers to mineral-rich high gravity worlds around the galactic core. Due to the conditions of these worlds, the Squats, over millennia, evolved into a short, stocky, and hardy species of Abhumans, standing on average 1.4 meters tall. Few Squats remain in the galaxy today, as their worlds were destroyed by an unnamed Tyranid fleet.
