September 1, 2021:
Links to Greenleaf Adventures, a Dungeon Crawl Classics third-party compatible adventure series, has been added to the site.
August 3, 2021:
A new section, Random Name Generator, has been added to the site. The Random Name Generator is a tool designed to generate lists of randomly generated names, providing Judges with the means of producing lists of names for random NPCs, townsfolk, villagers, rank-and-file foot soldiers, etc., their Players may encounter during their game sessions.
June 30, 2021:
The Gibberish Text Generator, a random text generator, has been added. The Gibberish Text Generator is a Dungeon Crawl Classics themed random text generator designed to provide game/adventure writers with blocks of ‘filler text’.
May 28, 2021:
A couple new addition to the site. A new character generator, the Wizard Character Generator, has been added. A character sheets section has been added, containing PDF files of the character sheets used for the random character generators on this site. As well, the GitHubs Links section has been updated to include the repositories for the new character generators.
May 27, 2021:
The Warrior Character Generator has been added to the website.
May 27, 2021:
The first of the DCC Empire of the East character generators, the Thief Character Generator, has been added to the site.
May 25, 2021:
Welcome to the launch of The Empire and the Elephant, a Dungeon Crawl Classics fan site devoted to Goodman Games’ Empire of the East campaign setting. The purpose of creating this website is to provide Judges and Players with resources and materials for their Empire of the East campaigns. The Empire and the Elephant is a continual ‘work-in-progress’, where new materials will be added to this website on an ongoing basis. Thus, this is the first of many updates to come.