March 3, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Halfling Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 28, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Dwarf Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 27, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Elf Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 25, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Wizard Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 23, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Warrior Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 21, 2023:
The Dungeon Crawl Classics Thief Character Generator has been added to the site.
February 18, 2023:
The first of the series of DCC Character Generators, the Cleric Character Generator has been added to the site.
October 17, 2022:
Welcome to the launch of the Might Deeds and Old School Adventures Companion Website, a website dedicated to Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game. This will be the first of many updates to come.