
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Zogoran Miniature, Reaper Miniature Bones, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015


MOVE: 12 / 24
DAMAGE: See Below
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
SIZE: Huge

Zogorans are creatures born from Dark and Unholy magic, and were created in a time long ago. Who or what created the Zogorans know ones knows, as any record of the creation of these foul creatures has been long forgotten from the pages of history.

Zogorans are not creatures of the natural world; thus, they cannot reproduce, age or succumb to illness or old age. A Zogoran can potentially live forever, as the only way for a Zogoran to die is if they are killed in battle.

A time long ago, the Zogorans once numbered in the hundreds, but with the passing of each century fewer and fewer of these foul creatures remained. Now, there are few than a dozen of these creatures left in the world.


Physical Appearance

A Zogoran stands 10 feet tall, and their wings, when fully extended, span 40 feet. Zogorans have four muscular arms, each wielding a deadly enchanted blade. Their skin is crimson in colour, and a great set of horns grows from their forehead. Zogorans have long barbed tails, which are used as weapons in combat.

Habitat and Society

Zogorans typically dwell in subterranean lairs, guarding hordes of gold and magical artefacts. Their lairs will comprise of vast networks of tunnels, and will be inhabited by evil creatures in their service. Zogorans often use Duergars and Derro as servants, and ally themselves with Drow and lesser Demons.

Outlook and Personality

Zogorans are self centred creatures, whose only concerns is for themselves. Zogorans do not trust anyone, not even their own kin. Zogorans have a love of gold and magical items, but what they love the most is their own self preservation: for the Zogorans know they are a dying race, and with every passing century their are fewer and fewer Zogorans left.

It is common for a Zogoran to have minion in their service. Their minion are typically comprised of evil humanoids, the most common of which are Duergars, Derro and Drow. The minion serve the Zogoran out of promises of wealth, magical artefacts and power. The Zogorans have no love for their minion and will think nothing of sacrificing their minion for their own selfish gains.


Zogorans are highly intelligent and ancient creatures, who have lived for several millennia. As a result of their long lifespans and intelligence, Zogorans know how to speak many tongues. Every Zogoran is able to speak the language of Demons and Devils, and the common tongue. In addition to these languages, a Zogoran will know 7 to 12 (D6 + 6) additional languages.



Zogorans have infravsion up to 120 feet in total darkness. Zogorans also have the ability to detect the presence of a sentient being within 120 feet of them (line of sight is not required). Zogorans will also be able to detect the being's alignment and will know how powerful the being is (i.e. the Character Class Level or the number of HD the being has). Zogorans automatically have the ability to detect the presence of magic (within 120 feet of them) and are able to see through invisibility and illusionary magic (line of sight is required).


Zogorans have two methods of movement: they have a walking speed of 12 and a flying speed of 24.


Zogorans have 5 attacks per turn: 4 weapon attacks and a tail attack. Zogorans have a THACO of 5, however, since each of the weapons the creature wields is a magical blade, their THACO for their weapons attacks will be reduced ever further.

Each one of the Zogoran's blades does a base damage of 2D10 + 4 damage (the + 4 represents the Zogoran's strength bonus). The AD&D Dungeons Masters Guide and other D&D resource books provides a great selection for the different types of magical blades that a Zogoran may be armed with.

Barbed Tail. A Zogoran's barbed tail attacks with a THACO of 5, has a reach of 10 feet and does 2 to 16 (2D8) points of damage on a successful hit.

Special Attacks

Flaming Death. If a Zogoran falls in battle, their body bursts into flames. Soon, afterwards, their body explodes into a massive fireball. As soon as a Zogoran dies, flames start to erupt from its body. 1 to 3 rounds later (1D3), the body of the dead Zogoran will explode into a massive fireball. The fireball will extend in a 60 foot radius from the Zogoran's body. All those within the radius must make a vs Spell Saving Throw. A failed saving throw will result in 8 to 48 (8D6) points of fire damage, and while a successful saving throw will result in half damage.


Special Defences and Magical Resistance

Zogorans are creatures born out of magical fire; therefore they will not take any damage from magical fire based attacks (i.e. fireball spells will have no effect) and will only take half damage from normal fire based attacks. As well, Zogorans are immune to the effects of Charm, Sleep, Hold Monster, Illusion and Invisibility spells.

Saving Throw

Zogorans have the Saving Throw of a 16th Level Fighter.