
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
  • Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015
Warrior Medicine Mun
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Uncommon
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate, Jungle Temperate, Jungle
MOVE: 6 6
HIT DICE: 1-6 hp 1+1
THACO: 20 19
DAMAGE: By Weapon By Weapon
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Backstab Backstab
SPECIAL DEFENCES: See Below Clerical Spells
INTELLIGENCE: Average Average
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral

VooDoo Mun Witch Doctor
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Uncommon
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate, Jungle Temperate, Jungle
MOVE: 6 6
HIT DICE: 2+2 4
THACO: 18 17
DAMAGE: By Weapon By Weapon
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Magical Spells Magical Spells
SPECIAL DEFENCES: Clerical Spells Clerical Spells
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Neutral

Physical Description

Pygmies generally have a dark skin tone, and their hair colouring ranges from dark brown to black. A fully grown pygmy stands between 3'-2" to 3'-9" tall, and weighs between 45 to 60 lbs, with males being slightly taller and heavier than females (males average 3'-7" in height, while females average 3'-4" in height). A pygmy reaches adulthood at 15 years, and will have an average lifespan of 80 years.

Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015

Habitat and Society

Pygmies inhabit the same geographic region as Bulworgs and Kwaigoons and are often at war with these species. In fact, Pygmies regularly set traps and launch ambushes against Bulworgs and Kwaigoons, and raid Kwaigoon villages to free their enslaved comrades.

Pygmies make their home in small villages concealed in the jungles. Every village is led by a Pygmy Witch Doctor. Each village will have between 200 to 400 (3D8 x 10 + 170) adult pygmies. For every 10 adult pygmies in the village there will be one Medicine Mun, and for every 50 adult pygmies there will be one VooDoo Mun. In addition to the adult population, there will be one child/adolescent pygmy for every 2 adults in the village (the child/adolescent pygmies are non-combatants).

Pygmy Villages are made up of a series of simple huts. Each hut is the home of a multi-generational pygmy family. Throughout the village are a series of sacred pygmy shrines. Each village will contain between 5 to 8 (D4 +4) shrines (see below for a description of the shrines).

Shortly after reaching adulthood, a pygmy will find a mate. Pygmies are monogamous, and will mate for life. A female pygmy will typically give birth to a child every 1 to 3 years, and will have up to a dozen children in her life time.

In most pygmy villages there is a clear division of labour between the sexes. Females are typically in charge of the household and raising the children, while males are responsible for hunting and obtaining resources for their families.

A pygmy household is typically multi-generational, and is occupied by children, parents, grandparents and great grandparents.

Both males and females are trained in combat, due to the frequency of raids by Bulworgs and Kwaigoons Marauders. Within each home are spears and bows in which the wives are expected to use to defend their families when their husbands are out hunting and gathering food.

Outlook and Attitudes

Pygmies have independent personalities and value individuality and self expression. Pygmies tend to speak their minds, and have a tendency to be stubborn in their beliefs. In-fighting does occur among pygmies, but it very rarely results in the lost of life (in most cases the extend of injuries suffered are a few bruises and the odd broken bone at worst).

Pygmies do work well together as a group, especially when they are fighting a common foe. Pygmies have a hatred towards Bulworgs and Kwaigoons, and will go to great lengths to destroy these creatures.

Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015


Pygmies eat all manner of food, which includes the meat of their enemies. While Pygmies will avoid eating Bulworg meat (due to the poison found in the meat), they will eat Kwaigoon meat. In fact, Kwaigoon Stew and Roast Kwaigoon are delicacies among the Pygmies.

Pygmies have been known to eat other humanoids and will go to great lengths to lay ambushes and traps for humanoid prey. Pygmies will eat Humans, Elves and Halflings, but will avoid eating Dwarves, as Dwarf meat is tough and causes indigestion.


Pygmies speak their own language, and 40% are able to speak a second language (either Common or a commonly used language in the region). 10% of Pygmies are able to speak a third language.

Weapons and Armour

Pygmies do not wear armour, but often wear elaborate masks in battle. The masks typically depict a face of a Pygmy Deity. Their typical weapons include spears, javelins, short bows and blowguns. The darts the pygmies use for their blowguns are coated with a poison that causes the victim to become paralysed*

*The victim becomes paralysed for 2 to 12 (2D6) rounds of combat. The poison is only effective on creatures that weigh 200 lbs or less.

Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015


Pygmies are expert trap makers, and will avoid direct assaults. Pygmies typically ambush their foes, attacking their enemies by surprise. Pygmies have learnt to use their small size and natural stealth to their advantage and have developed a number of abilities associated with the Thief Character Class, as outlined in the table below.

Abilities Warrior Medicine Mun VooDoo Mun Witch Doctor
Pick Pocket 20% 25% 30% 35%
Open Locks 20% 25% 30% 35%
Find/Remove Traps 40% 45% 50% 60%
Move Silently 70% 75% 80% 85%
Hide in Shadows 75% 80% 85% 90%
Detect Noise 40% 45% 50% 55%
Climb Walls 30% 35% 40% 45%
Backstab x2 x2 x3 x3
Saving Throw F0 C1 C2 C3

Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015

Medicine Mun

Medicine Muns are Pygmy Thief/Clerics. Medicine Muns have the Spell Casting level of a 2nd Level Cleric, and have two 1st Level Clerical Spell memorized. There is a 25% that the Medicine Mun will have a potion in their possession (most often a Potion of Healing).

VooDoo Mun

VooDoo Muns are the leaders of Pygmy Hunting and Raiding Parties, and are Pygmy Thief/Cleric/Magic-Users. VooDoo Muns have the Spell Casting level of a 3rd Level Cleric and a 2nd Level Magic-User. VooDoo Muns have three 1st Level Clerical Spells, two 2nd Level Clerical Spells and two 1st Level Magic-User Spells memorized. VooDoo Muns will have a 75% chance of having a magical potion and 25% of having a magical scroll with them.

Witch Doctors

Witch Doctors are the leaders of Pygmy villages and are typically only encountered in the villages. Witch Doctors are Pygmy Thief/Cleric/Magic-Users and have the following number of spells memorized (spell casting abilities of a Level 4 Cleric and Level 3 Magic-User):

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Clerical Spells 3 3 2
Magic-User Spells 3 2 -

A Witch Doctor will carry between 0-3 (D4 -1) Magical Potions on them. As well, a Witch Doctor will have a 75% chance of having a magical scroll and a 25% chance of having either a magical ring or wand with them.

Pygmy Shrines

Each Pygmy Village has 5 to 8 (D4 +4) shrines located throughout the village. Each shrine stands between 6 to 10 feet tall, and typically depicts the head of one of the Pygmy Deities. The shrines are usually made out of rock and clay.

The shrines are very sacred to the Pygmies, and the presence of the shrines will improve a Pygmy's fighting abilities. If a Pygmy is within a 120 feet of one of their shrines, they will receive a +2 bonus to their attack rolls and armour class. It is important to note that the bonuses that a Pygmy receives from one shrine does not stack with the bonuses from another shrine. For instance, if a Pygmy is within the radius of two (or more) shrines they will still gain +2 bonus (not a +4 bonus).

The Pygmies make regular offerings to the shrines. The offerings comprise of coins, artefacts and other such items, and are located within each of the shrines. The total value of the offerings found in each shrine will range in value between 50 to 600 (5D12 x 10) gold pieces. As well, there is a 30% that there will be a magical item within the shrine.

If anyone, other than one of the Pygmies from that village, tries to remove any of the offerings from the shrine, they must make a vs Spell Saving Throw (a flash of light and energy will erupt from the shrine). Those who fail their saving throw will suffer 6 to 36 (6D6) points of lighting damage, and will be blinded for the next 1 to 4 hours (D4). Those who succeeded their saving throw will only take half damage and will not be blinded.

Pygmy Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends, painted by Mark Tasaka 2015


When encountered outside of their villages, Pygmies will be either encountered in Hunting Parties or Raiding Parties. A Hunting Party is comprised of 10 to 20 (2D6 +8) Pygmies, and will include 1 VooDoo Mun (Leader), and 1 Medicine Mun (Sub Leader). A Raiding Party is comprised of 23 to 50 (3D10 +20) Pygmies, and will include 1 VooDoo Mun (Leader), and 3 Medicine Muns (Sub Leaders).