This section of the tunnels is named the Dredge Tunnels by virtue of the fact that the Dredge have dug a narrow passageway leading up to the Khanzuin Sewer, which they use as a route to enter the sewer systems. A party of adventurers will likely encounter more deadly and cunning creatures than the Dredge in this section of the tunnels.
Below the town's sewer system is a vast network of tunnels. The tunnels are several levels deep, and reach beyond the borders of the town. In fact, most who enter the tunnels enter from outside of the town (there are several caves outside of Autumn's Reach that are connected to the tunnels).
The tunnels are located in close proximity to a series of underground rivers; thus, clean water is readily available in the the tunnels. In several area of the tunnels fresh water is found trickling down the sides of the tunnels. The abundance and distribution of clean water allows subterranean vegetation (i.e. mushrooms) to flourish. With fresh water and vegetation other forms of life are able to survive and multiple, which gives rise to an entire subterranean ecosystem.
While this section may be referred to as the Dredge Tunnels, the Dredge are not the only creatures who occupy this space. The Dredge are only a small part of the diversity of life adventurers will encounter in the tunnels. The actual Dredge lair is located several levels below, and many Dredge have lost their lives to other creatures on the journey from their lair to the sewers.
Below is a Wandering Monsters Table that could be used to generate random monsters that a party may encounter while exploring the Tunnels.
1-2 | 6-12 (2D4+4) Dredge* |
3-4 | 4-7 (D4+3) Dredge* and 1-2 Dredgores |
5 | 2-8 Fire Beetles (AD&D MM, p 9) |
6 | Gelatinous Cube (AD&D MM, p 43) |
7 | 1-3 Osquips (AD&D FF, p 70) |
8 | 1-3 Cave Fishers (AD&D MM2, p 24) |
9 | 1-3 Ochre Jellies (AD&D MM, p 75) |
10 | 1-3 Rust Monsters (AD&D MM, p 83) |
11-12 | 1-4 Carrion Crawlers (AD&D MM, p 13) |
13 | Gibbering Mouther (AD&D MM2, p 69) |
14-15 | 1-2 Giant Spiders (AD&D MM, p 90) |
16 | 1-3 Gas Spores (AD&D MM, p 42) |
17 | 1-3 Thoqqua (Rockworm) (AD&D FF, p 87) |
18 | 7 HD Otyugh (AD&D MM, p 77) |
19 | Ghost** (AD&D MM, p 43) |
20 | Medusa (from Area 11) |
*There is a 10% chance that a Dredge will be "blessed" with mutations (see Dredge Mutation Table).
This is the area the players will start in if they have travelled through the Dredge passageway in Area 5 of the Khanzuin Sewer. The Dredge passageway has a diameter for 2 feet, so the party members will have to crawl to gain access to the tunnels through this route.
On the ground the players will find a broken lantern and a sword short. These items belong to Muirwyn Swiftfoot (Area 4), who dropped these while fleeing.
In the corner of the junction, the players will see a corpse of a Giant Spider. If the players investigate the Giant Spider, they will see five arrows protruding from its body. This spider was responsible for cocooning Muirwyn Swiftfoot (Area 4), and was slain a short time later by the Medusa (whose lair is in area Area 11). Due to the spider's physiology, it was immune to the Medusa's poisoned arrows; thus, the Medusa was required to fire five arrows into the spider in order to kill it.
If the players try to move the spider, a dozen rats will flee out of the spider. The rats are harmless. The players will discovered that the rats have burrowed into the spider, and have eaten most of the spider's internal organs.
Trapped inside the cocoon is a female halfling by the name of Muirwyn Swiftfoot (AC 5, T4, HP 1/15, THACO 19, AL CN, S9, I8, W6, D18, C12, CH11, Sv T4, PP 60%, OL 57%, F/RT 45%, MS 53%, HS 50%, HN 20%, CW 73%, RL 15%). Muirwyn is a Rat Catcher, and she was sent down into the sewer system with another Rat Catcher 3 days ago to investigate the "ratmen" sightings in the sewers. Muirwyn and her companion, Aundwryl Thorsas, had ventured down the Dredge passageway in Area 1, where they were ambushed by the Medusa (see Area 11 for more detail).
The Medusa fired poisoned arrows at Muirwyn and her companion, and hit Muirwyn's companion with one such arrow. Muirwyn fled in panic; she dropped her lantern and short sword found in Area 2. Muirwyn ran into the spiders web (current location, area 4), where she was cocooned and poisoned by the giant spider found in Area 3.
Muirwyn has been in a poison induced coma for the past two days, and has lost all sense of time. Moreover, she is still very weak from the poison from the spider, and is unable to fight unless she receives healing. Muirwyn currently has 1 hit point (her max hp are 15). The only thing that Muirwyn remembers about the Medusa's attack was her companion being struck with an arrow (she does not remember seeing the Medusa).
The equipment Muirwyn has with her are: leather armour, a small backpack (containing 5 days of rations, flint and steel, 3 vials of lantern oil and thieves tools), an empty waterskin, a coin pouch (16 gold and 11 silver coins) and a ring signifying her membership as a Rat Catcher.
Muirwyn's companion is still alive, and is currently a prisoner of the Medusa in Area 11. The Rat Catchers Guild will reward the players for the safe return of Muirwyn and/or her companion.
A pair of Giant Spiders (AC 4, HP 21; 24, HD 4+4, see AD&D MM, p 90) have spun a web across the passageway to trap unsuspecting victims. The players have a 20% chance of spotting the web. Please see AD&D MM (page 90) for breaking free from a Giant Spider's web.
The pair of Giant Spiders are hiding in the stalactites in the ceiling directly above the web. Once one or more of the players are caught in the web, the Giant Spiders will attack.
There is a small iron statue (3' tall) sitting among a patch of mushrooms. The statue depicts a dog-like creature, and is a small scale version of the dog-like statues found in the Khanzuin Sewer. The statue is discoloured and covered in mold as a result of centuries of neglect. The statue weighs 200 lbs, and is only worth a couple of gold pieces due to its poor condition.
There are two species of mushrooms growing in this area: one species of mushrooms is edible (smaller species of white mushrooms) and the other is poisonous (larger species with a green-grey top). The edible mushrooms have a bitter taste. If a player eats one of the poisonous mushrooms they must make a Save vs Paralyzation, Poison and Death Magic. On a failed Saving Throw the player will hallucinate for the next 2 to 5 hours. While in the state of hallucination, the player will suffer a -5 penalty to their attack rolls, AC and saving throws. Magic-Users and Clerics are unable to cast spells while hallucinating.
Living among the mushrooms are beetles and other species of insects. If the players dig through the soil underneath the mushrooms they will find 5 ancient iron coins, similar to the coins found at Mukhtar's Provisions. The coins and the statue are relics of the Ayrdan civilization.
An empty backpack is on the ground and the contents of the backpack are all over the floor. The backpack belongs to Aundwryl Thorsas, who was captured by the Medusa in Area 1. The Medusa went through Aundwryl's possessions here, and discarded the items that she could not use. The items on the ground include:
This passageway leads to the Tunnels (East), which will be added to the website in the future.
Four days ago, a party of Dredge and Dredgores made camp here before venturing through the Dredge Tunnel (Area 1) to the Sewer Systems above. Litter from the Dredge party covers the floor of the chamber. The litter includes the exoskeletons of large insects, the shell of a rust monster and mushroom stems.
The Dredge used the area behind the stalagmites as their latrine; since there were three Dredgores in their group they produced a large amount of waste. An hour ago a juvenile Otyugh (AC 3, HP 18, HD 5*, THACO 16*, AD&D MM, p 77) came across this area, and is feasting on the waste. The players will not likely notice the Otyugh at first as it is hidden behind the stalagmites. The Otyugh will not attack the party unless the party takes hostile actions against it (the Otyugh is too busy enjoying its meal).
*The juvenile Otyugh is half the size of a fully grown Otyugh, and has fewer HD and a higher THACO than its fully grown counterpart.
There is a secret door leading to the Medusa's Lair. The secret door is difficult to spot; elves and half-elves will only have a 1 in 6 chance of discovering the secret door through active searching (as opposed to their unusual 2 in 6 chance). Once discovered, the secret door is easy to open.
This chamber is the lair of a Medusa (AC 5, Mv 9, HP 40, HD 7*, THACO 13/11**, Att 3/2*, Sv F7* see AD&D MM, p 66) and her two pet Giant Poisonous Snakes (AC 5, Mv 15, HP 19; 25, HD 4+2, THACO 16 see AD&D MM, p 88). The Medusa regularly ventures outside of her lair to search for food; thus, the players have a 75% chance of finding the Medusa in her lair. The snakes, on the other hand, will always remain in the lair guarding their owner's possessions.
The door leading into the Medusa's Lair is locked. If the players force the door open with brute strength, and the Medusa is in her lair, the Medusa will gain a surprise attack on the party.
The Medusa lives very comfortably in her lair. The lair contains a well that connects to an underground river, providing the Medusa with fresh water. The chamber has a high ceiling, which allows the Medusa to cook without being bothered by smoke inhalation. As well, there is a deep latrine, and at the bottom of the latrine are colonies of dung beetles who look after the waste.
In a cage in the corner of the chamber is the Medusa's prisoner, Aundwryl Thorsas (AC 10, hm F3, HP 1/20*, THACO 18, AL CN, S14, I11, W9, D13, C15, CH12, Sv F3), who was one of the two Rat Catcher that the Medusa encountered in Area 1 three days earlier. Aundwryl Thorsas is the son of Ethnys Thorsas who works at the Thirsty Dwarf Tavern.
The Medusa hit Aundwryl with one of her poisoned arrows, and brought him back to her lair for questioning and as a source of food (the Medusa loves the taste of human, halfling and elf flesh). The Medusa has finished asking Aundwryl all of the questions that she needed to ask him, and has learnt as much of the surface world from Aundwryl as he could provide. Thus, the only purpose Aundwryl now serves is to be eaten; she plans on cooking Aundwryl in the next few hours.
Aundwryl is heavily drugged as a result of the poison the Medusa has been feeding him. Thus, without magical healing, Aundwryl is unable to fight. As well, the Medusa permanently blinded Aundwryl, and this blindness could only be reversed with the Cure Blindness Clerical Spell.
In another corner of the chamber is a chest, where the players will find the following items of value and interest:
Next to the chest is a small collection of weapons and armour the Medusa has acquired from her victims. The collection includes:
In addition to the above items, the players will find spices, seasoning, pickled and dried mushrooms and other items the Medusa uses to prepare her meals.
This passageway leads to the Tunnels (South), which will be added to the website in the future.
The stone statue is that of an adventurer who happened to gaze upon the Medusa. The Medusa was disappointed with this, as the adventurer would have made a delicious meal had he been hit with a poisoned arrow. The man had been turned to stone nearly 3 years ago, and since then the Medusa has learnt to me more careful when stalking her prey.
Nearby is a small pool of water. The pool sits on top of a underground river. The river provides fresh clean water, and dozens of wells in the above town draw their water from this river.
Hidden among the stalagmites is a Roper (AC 0, Mv 3, hp 78, 12 HD, see AD&D Monster Manual, p 83). The Roper will remain stationary, and will be very difficult to spot as it appears to be a stalagmite. However, if any of the players should venture within 10' of the Roper, it will attack. If the players are wise they will flee.
The Roper has not eaten in a few days, and therefore the meals within its stomach have long been digested. Thus, the players will find no items of value if there were to cut open the dead Roper. However, if the players search through the Roper's waste, located behind the stalagmites, they will find the following items of value that have passed through the Roper's system: